
Lau Man-kit

2023年度 區議會一般選舉

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大埔區議會 大埔北選區 候選人




My name is Manley Lau Man-kit, and I have been living in Tai Po since I was young. The district holds a very special place in my heart, as it is where I spent my formative years. Since joining the New People's Party ("the NPP") in 2018, I have been serving Tai Po, and participated in the 2019 District Council Election.

Mrs. Regina Ip, the Chair of the NPP, has been an inspirational figure that has taught me to persevere no matter how difficult the circum-stances. Mr. Lai Tung-kwok, Executive Vice-chair of the NPP, has helped me understand that hard work will always pay off. Under their leadership, I stood on the front line in the fight against the epidemic, visited different coun tries to purchase anti-epidemic surgical masks for residents, and provided door-to-door deliveries to families in need, striving to provide attentive and dedicated service to my community members.

After the epidemic, I have continued to follow up on environmental hygiene concerns in Tai Po, including hazards caused by biting midges, mos-quitoes, rodents, and cockroaches. Following a heavy rainstorm in Hong Kong this year, I addressed the issue of collapsing trees, focusing on preserving the trees, so as to enhance the community under the concept of "harmony between humanity and nature Over the years, my team and have handled hundreds of requests for assistance from the community. We have worked in concert to follow up on each case in order to provide the best advice and support to residents, and we are confident that they can feel that the NPP and I have been working with sincerity.

While serving Tai Po these past few years, whenever I see the genuine smiles on the faces of residents, I feel fulfilled and satisfied, which further fuels my determination to serve Tai Po Therefore, I have decided to participate in this year's District Council Election. I call on all of you for your support and trust! Please support the New People's Party, and vote for Manley Lau Man-kit on December 10!

  • 大埔北分區委員會委員
  • 新民黨中央委員
  • 大埔青年協會副會長
  • 環境運動委員會委員
  • 新時代青年協會主席

家住大埔 敢言實幹
Rooted in Tai Po, I Speak Up and Deliver


  1. 大埔區內眾多馬路無法擴展,道路容量不足,導致經常有車輛擠塞問題,例如嵐山、汀角路及大美督等地。文杰要求特區政府研究內地雲巴方案,以先進的集體運輸方法改善交通問題。
  2. 改善行人路規劃,例如洞梓以及汀角路口的交通燈,下坑村與汀角路的位置,兩個位置都急需改善規劃,減少意外發生。
  3. 經歷2023年百年一遇的暴雨,大埔多個地方都有水浸。文杰認為急需處理及改善整區的渠道淤塞問題,包括大埔太和與太湖花園隧道、富善與海濱公園隧道、大埔舊墟直街到大埔游泳池隧道等等。
  4. 今年黑雨期間,塘坑東、九龍坑、元嶺、南坑村及鳳園等地水浸嚴重,居民損失慘重。文杰要求特區政府完善上述地區的排洪工程,防止水浸再次發生。
  5. 要求特區政府盡快改善大埔頭舊村排污問題,研究接駁污水排放系統取代現時吸糞化糞池。
  6. 敦促特區政府加快施工富善基正小學綜合社會福利設施大樓工程,要求在綜合大樓內增設長者健體及康樂設施,預計綜合大樓將於2027年7月完工。
  7. 要求在富亨邨以及快將入伙完畢的富蝶邨增設港鐵轉乘優惠或港鐵接駁巴士服務。
  8. 要求特區政府安排富蝶邨第二期工程的承建商,提早完成富蝶邨商場。另外,為增加區內的零售設施,文杰將促請特區政府研究善用閒置用地。
  9. 要求醫務衞生局盡快啟動安邦路前大埔賽馬會泳池的醫務大樓工程,以改善區內公營醫療服務供應。
  10. 研究於鄰近大美督及龍尾泳灘位置興建寵物公園。
  11. 現時聯益鄉只是於大埔舊墟村公所使用一層作為鄉公所,遠遠未能滿足聯益鄉二十一條村使用,文杰積極協助聯益鄉覓地興建鄉公所。
  12. 優化樹木管理,盡快在區內道路取締危險樹種,例如鐵刀木、台灣相思及鳳凰木等比較脆弱且容易因風雨折斷倒塌的樹種,文杰建議改種樟樹或香樹等樹種,保障居民安全,減少塌樹引致的意外傷亡。
  13. 大埔頭、元嶺及三門仔等地的部分土葬區較接近民居,有潛在山火風險,建議在民居附近加設消防泵,以助山火發生時消防救火。

12月10日 票投新民黨 劉文杰!