
Tsang Chiu-yuk

2023年度 區議會一般選舉

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離島區議會 地區委員會








任志剛 全力支持
鄧竟成 全力支持

Dear members of the "Three Committees" of the Islands District,

I am Ray Tsang, the Regional Development Officer of the New People's Party and a member of Mrs. Regina Ip's Islands District Team. I am a member of the District Fight Crime Committee (Islands District). I have been serving the Islands District since 2016, mainly responsible for overseeing local affairs and providing support when needed. Pulling together my experience in the frontlines and behind-the-scenes, I was able to connect with various organisations and NGOs, plan countless group activities, visit schools, and engage different stakeholders in the community.

During the epidemic, I stood at the forefront of the fight. I searched for anti-epidemic supplies, made good use of water transportation to deliver the supplies to different islands, provided door-to-door support to those who tested positive despite the risk of infection, and shared anti-epidemic supplies with other organisations. This is solidarity at its best. Our work was documented in a short video produced by the Hong Kong Community Anti-Coronavirus Link, gaining coverage in various newspapers.

I established "Community Advancement Association" to serve the Islands District. Together with the New People's Party, the Rural Committee, Women's Centre and residents, we came up with a petition to oppose the fare increase of the ferry running between Central and Peng Chau, where the operator called for a 100% increase. We then met with relevant government departments and the operator to relay our demands. Ultimately, we managed to have the operator reduce the fare increase rate to a level acceptable to residents.

I have organised seminars in schools to elevate the law-abiding awareness of young people. As a member of the District Fight Crime Committee (Islands District), have expressed concerns on law and order in the Islands District.

I have a strong passion to serve the Islands District, and I am confident that my ability would allow me to deliver. Therefore, I have decided to run in this year's District Council Election. I call on all of you for your support and trust! Please support the New People's Party, and vote for Ray Tsang!

  • 離島區撲滅罪行委員會工作小組副主席
  • 離島區青年社區建設委員會委員
  • 薈愛社主席
  • 新界青年聯曾執行委員
  • 香港離島區各界協會副秘書長
  • 離島社區基金會副秘書長

攜手並進 共建離島
Join Hands to Build the Islands District


  1. 要求渡輪公司研究設立燃油對沖基金,減輕居民捱貴船之苦;長遠解決單靠水路出入的島嶼票價問題,減低居民交通壓力成本
  2. 持續監察離島各渡輪服務配套及質素,包括碼頭設施、船公司質素及航班資訊發放等等
  3. 要求改善和擴闊大嶼南、羌山道路網絡
  4. 要求改善離島鄉村雨水排放工程,加強鄉村河道防洪能力,加建雨水泵房及止回閥,防止海水倒灌
  5. 為離島爭取醫療設施配套、青年發展、婦女權益、老人福利;基於離島人口增加以及地理位置偏遠,必須全方位起動,迎合發展大勢
  6. 強化地區三會職能,設立與政府部門協調聯絡機制;完善社區治理方案下,區議會、三會、關愛隊與政府部門共同有效治理社區
  7. 離島擁有不同傳統文化和自然景觀,應加強保護和宣傳,推廣離島傳統文化活動,設立特色文化體驗路線
  8. 要求檢視離島校網,研究引入彈性安排,放寬收生安排
  9. 爭取「港車北上」放寬申請數目、簡化手續,充分利用港珠澳大橋及便利兩地交往,更有效推動離島發展。
  10. 推動機場發展應與港珠澳大橋等大灣區城市如澳門、珠海協同發展和定位,使離島與兩地形成經濟圈。

Policy Platform

  1. Request ferry companies to study the feasibility of hedging funds on fuel to reduce the financial burden on residents, in the long run to alleviate residents’ fares burden on transportation
  2. Continuously monitor the quality of ferry services and supporting facilities for Outlying Islands routes, including facilities at piers, service quality of ferry companies and the dissemination of relevant information for ferry services
  3. Request the improvement and expansion of the transport network between Lantau South and Keung Shan Road
  4. Urge for drainage improvement works in Islands District; enhance flood prevention capacity for villages; install additional stormwater pumping station and flap valves to prevent backflow of seawater
  5. Advocate for the provision of medical facilities, youth development, women's support, and benefits for the elderly in Islands District; provide all-round support to Islands District in light of its population growth, remoteness and inaccessibility
  6. Enhance the functions of the Three Committees; establish a communication mechanism with government departments; together with District Councils, the Three Committees, Care Teams and government departments to build a better community
  7. Protect and promote traditional culture and natural scenery of the Islands District; set up various routes route for experiencing its unique cultural characteristics
  8. Request a review of school net arrangements in Islands District
  9. Further improve the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles scheme by increasing number of applications accepted and simplify application procedures, to speed up development in the Islands District.
  10. Coordinated and collaborative development between our airport, the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge, and Greater Bay Area cities, for the Islands District to be part of the economic circle formed.

12月10日 票投新民黨 曾昭浴!